We are a community of Faith, Hope, and Love
Our Mission: To connect as many people as we can to the Hope of Jesus. To engage them in Spiritual Community. To train them to become Disciples and live on Mission.

Our Core Values:


We believe it’s a joy to use our gifts serving God and others. Therefore, we value laughter, a spirit of celebration, and having fun as we lead and serve together.


We believe that life is a journey, and it is lived out best in the context of community.  Church is a gathering of people that are on the same faith journey with each other, and with Jesus.  We believe that God calls us to be one family with Him at the center to accomplish His mission on this earth.


We believe that all scripture points us to the true meaning of life. That meaning is found in the Spirit and the person of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we value communicating the timeless text of Scripture in relevant ways, and spending time each week in worship of the One True King, who is Jesus Christ. 

We desire to connect all people to the Hope of Jesus Christ. We believe this is where we find the freedom to live life to the fullest. 

What We believe: 

About Salvation– We believe nothing we can do, or have done, can earn our salvation. We believe salvation is a gift that is to be used in this life, here on earth, right now. [Ephesians 2:8-9]


About the Trinity – We believe the God of the Bible is the one true God –  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in a fully present, always giving relationship. This is the nature of who God is, and who we strive to be like.  We believe that we are invited into the dance that is the trinity. [2 Corinthians 13:14]


About God – We believe God created all. We believe that He is Love. We believe that He desires His Kingdom to come to this earth. God is actively involved in our  lives and in the lives of others to bring about His Kingdom of love, forgiveness, and peace . [Psalms 121]


About Jesus – We desire Jesus to be first in our life. We believe Jesus is the one and only son of God the Father, and that He is the chosen Messiah and King. We believe that he lived on earth. He died on the cross. He was buried in the tomb, and by the power of the Holy Spirit was resurrected on the third day.  We believe that He taught us the best way to live.  If we follow and obey His teachings, we can find the life that He came and died to provide for us.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  [Matthew 6:33]


About the Bible – We believe the Bible has decisive authority over what we say and do. It is the story of who we are, and who God is.  We believe that the Bible is the story of God, and the Story of us. We believe that in its entirety it points to the One who give us life, Jesus Christ.  [2 Timothy 3:16-17]


About Identity – We exist to know, love, and serve God and our King, Jesus. We believe that only by following the way of Jesus do we become fully known, and fully alive. We believe that all were created to live life to the fullest, regardless of the circumstances that life has dealt us.  We believe that to find our true identity in Christ, we must follow Him. This includes a journey to the cross and the tomb, where we can be resurrected with Him.  [John 1:12-13]


About Stewardship – We believe a follower of Jesus should live a sacrificial life that is not driven by pursuit of material things, but a life of giving.  Jesus says he came to serve, not to be served. It is in this servant-hood that life to the fullest is found. [1 Timothy 6:17-19]


Giving away our life – [Romans [12:1-2]
Giving away our faith – [Ephesians 6:19-20]
Giving away our time – [Colossians 3:17]
Giving away our money – [2 Corinthians 8:7]