Welcome to Community of Hope
A story of God's amazing grace.

Eveyone is welcome to join us for a Sunday serivce.  Sunday @ 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Click on our Q&A page for the answers to some of the most common questions. 

Where do I start?

Starting Point Lunch:  Starting Point provides a sneak-peek into the basic beliefs and practices of Community of Hope Church, gives you the essentials of the Christian faith, and opens the door for your involvement.

We offer these one hour lunches throughout the year. Just let us know you are interested and we will make sure you get an invite to our next one. 

Feel free to drop us an email and one of our staff will get right back to you. info@cohmaricopa.com

Messages us @ 833-560-6798 and let us know what you are looking for. 

  • What is it like?
  • What about my kids?
  • What do I wear?
  • Can I just check it out without commiting?
  • How can I get connected?
  • What about baptism?
  • How do I get involved?
Watch a service
Or catch our live feed this Sunday on our web site.
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