Oct 1st - Starting Point Lunch For more information.
Oct 15th
 - Baptism Sunday. If you would like to be baptised, or more information on what it means, please let us know. To register
Oct 20th - Food Truck Friday 5:00 - 8:00 PM https://www.facebook.com/FoodTruckFridayMaricopa
Oct 29th - Next Gen Sunday with brunch between services. 

Community of Hope Adult Groups. 
Women’s study Group 
Wed. @ 7:00 PM  For more information.

Student Groups 6th -12th Grade 
Middle School Students: Monday @ 6:30 - contact PCLeon225@gmail.com

For more information.
High School Students: Tuesday @ 6:30 - contact PCLeon225@gmail.com


Parents and students please add yourself to our new way of communicating.
Chris Leon wants you to join the group, Hope Students in TeamReach app.
Install TeamReach on Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...
Enter code: Hopest